Community outreach support is support that usually enables you to do something specific outside of your home.
You might live with parents, or carers but need some extra support, or want to do something with someone more your own age or with similar interests. This could include support to do things like going to college, doing hobbies, going on a trip somewhere or going on a holiday. You might choose to do something by yourself, or with others
– we can also try to help you meet new friends to do things with. This support can be provided regularly, occasionally or even as a one-off and we can support anyone aged 18 years and older.
All support is provided by our friendly, well trained and committed staff teams – and you will have the opportunity to get involved in choosing your own staff.
People receiving a regular support package from IntegraCare also benefit from our 24 hour emergency on-call service which can provide advice over the phone or 24 hour support in an emergency.